SWGHSP31 High-Space: Teraborg - The Book of Honor - Savage Worlds (softcover) $14.99 <----Order Now!
Who can resist playing an ultra-tech, cybernetically-enhanced, dinosaur samurai from the future? Give your High-Space fans exactly what they have been craving! Teraborg: The Book of Honor is the first expansion for High-Space, the popular, far-future setting for Savage Worlds. Voted the #1 most-wanted expansion during the High-Space Kickstarter, The Book of Honor has already proven to be immensely popular. This 36 page, softcover book is the complete guide to the proud and ancient cybernetic species: the Teraborg. It takes players into the secretive worlds of the Iron Clouds, where they will discover the intriguing secrets of the Teraborg Empire, including: details on the five Teraborg Clans, including warrior Militara and science Artifi clans
the rich culture, language, rights and observances of the Teraborg - everything needed to get into the groove playing a Teraborg, inner workings of The Imperial Nest court, descriptions and maps of the hidden worlds within the Carina Nebula. Teraborg - The Book of Honor includes new character edges, starship designs, tech, and much more. Plus it includes plot hooks and mini adventures!