Outbreak: Undead - 2nd Edition Starter Kit Now Funding on Kickstarter
Outbreak: Undead - 2nd Edition Starter Kit
Have you ever considered playing out the zombie apocalypse in your own hometown? With your own friends? Pitting yourself against the hordes of undead. As a SURVIVOR?
Thousands have tested their Zombie Survival Plan with Outbreak: Undead… and now we’ve made it even better...

Outbreak: Undead originally premiered at GenCon 2010, and won several awards (ENnies 2011 - Judges Choice, GenCon Marketing Fellowship Award) it was vastly popular with the Zombie/Survivalist community and sold a great many books, obtaining a 'GOLD SELLER' Rating on DTRPG and many very flattering (and well thought out) reviews.
You are currently visiting the Kickstarter for the FIRST LOOK AT the highly anticipated SECOND EDITION of Outbreak: Undead in its STARTER KIT form.
We've taken the feedback and challenges from our first edition and improved upon it, simplifying the rules while still allowing you to run any kind of situation you want, with any kind of Zombies you want, with a degree of Realism to create YOURSELF as a character using our sophisticated SPEW-AI.

Short for the Strength, Perception, Empathy, and Willpower Assessment Inventory, SPEW-AI is an online test that was designed under close advisement of a PhD of Social Psychology strictly for the use in this game.
The SPEW-AI also includes professional insight from Psychologists, Social Scientists, Police, Fire, Military, and Search/Rescue: it has been regarded as highly accurate, and been constructed to minimize bias, and to prevent ego and opinion from dictating results (unlike some other systems which boast a "create yourself as a character" function).
Finally the test also reference it’s own data to help decide what is the universal bell curve. It has been taken by over 200,000 individuals and is completely free.
Take it right here, find YOUR score!

Player Resources for Easy Character Creation Including:
- 5 Template Character Cards with basic Stats
- Trait Cards (Abilities, Paradigms, and Disadvantages)
- Basic Equipment Cards for easy referencing
- 24 rip sheets for basic skills and Advancement using “Gestalt”
- Set of Custom “D5!” dice and percentile dice
GM Resources for Easy Gameplay including:
- Opponent Cards (Easy reference to strike the fear into your players)
- Injury Cards (Players who take enough damage acquire Wounds)
- Mission Cards (To help in allocating players current tasks)
- Location/Stronghold Cards
Despite what it may appear, Outbreak: Undead - 2nd Ed. Starter Kit is NOT A CARD GAME. It is a Role Playing Game and does not require cards to play.
There are also no scripted scenarios, only highly adaptable mission frameworks which allow for tremendous replay value with multiple settings, comparable to any fully-developed role-playing game!
This is not just a Starter Kit, it... it is THE GAME.
But most importantly, included in Outbreak: Undead - 2nd Edition Starter Kit is the 160 page booklet that contains the FULL PLAYABLE RULES for 2nd Edition; and will continue to serve as a handy pocket reference for players and GMs alike, even when the core rulebooks are released.