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War of the Psychic Gods, Set 3, Mini-Game #86 PDF

$ 2.49

This listing is for a copy of the digital PDF only.

The Demeon flailed at the fire elemental, but the creature was weak, and the elemental strong.  As Gaea watched, her young elemental child burned the Demeon, turning it to dust.  “Enough my child,” She called to the fire, “You have learned the ways of killing well.  Now we shall take our war to the Demeon lords themselves, and teach them not to mess with Mother Nature.”

This is War of the Psychic Gods, a great Mini-Game from Avalon Games.  Taking the S&G skirmish game system and add to it a super Meta physical world of astral travel, psychic powers and god like avatars, and you have a great action game of psychic powers and astral war.  Psychic Gods is a great mix of astral war and psychic energy and elemental emotions, all creating the wild world of a mighty battles and high suspense.

Note that this is not complete game and requires that you have a copy of Mini-Game #82, War of the Psychic Gods, Set 1.