The Dark Eye – Sounds of the Spheres Vol 1: The Warring Kingdoms
$ 19.99
Gather with solitary druids, secretive witches, and spirits of the forests. Explore mythical stone circles, enchanted wellsprings, and a village wedding feast. Wander through the impenetrable
forest wilderness, or watch as champions from both kingdoms meet in battle and cross swords
in anger!
While this collection was composed especially for the Warring Kingdoms, we encourage you to use it as background music for other stories, or simply listen to it for your own musical enjoyment.
Full track list:
- The King’s Mercy and the Queen’s Blessing
- The Nostrian Wedding (Instrumental)
- The Nostrian Wedding
- Spirits of the Forest
- The Witches’ Curse of Hallerû
- Night of the Full Moon
- The Burial Mound
- The Ingval, the Tommel, and Lake Thuran
- Wide Land and Open Forests
- The Forest Wilderness
- Orcs in Teshkalia!
- Battle for the Border Regions
- The Body of Sumu
- “Silver on Blue” (a Nostrian Lullaby)
- The Council of Sumes
- Yolande and Wendelmir
- The Warring Kingdoms
- An Ode to the Brave
- Nostria, Arise!
- Stone Circles