Beasts & Barbarians: The Carnival of Nal Sagath (Savage Worlds) PDF
The heroes arrive in Nal Sagath during the Carnival. On this day, to celebrate their freedom from Tricarnian rule, the local people put on strange costumes and masks, play tricks of all kinds, and there is a general merry atmosphere. The party has some time to enjoy the feast and eat and drink at leisure.
What the people of Nal Sagath no longer know is that a colony of old, twisted creatures lives in the dark tunnels under the town. The Palemen constantly spy on the townspeople through sewer grates and hidden passages. In particular, they are obsessed with Dalla, the beautiful blonde daughter of the innkeeper, and wonder how great it would be to have such a precious gem in their dark kingdom...
This is a free adventure for GRamel's Beasts & Barbarians sword-and-sorcery fantasy setting for Savage Worlds.
Author(s): Umberto Pignatelli
Pages: 4
This is a PDF downloadable product.