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Sweet Cherry Pie vs Evil: Corebook (Print + PDF)

$ 19.99

This listing is for a physical copy of the book and a FREE copy of the digital PDF.

Welcome to the Omnomn Island, brave warriors. Even if you’ve just landed, you’ve probably already noticed that the world around you has a… highly glycemic appearance.


Trees with spun sugar foliage, flour deserts, swamps of boiling eggs. And then, of course, there’s YOU. The Warries, those who will have to face the demons aiming to devour your beautiful, sweet land.


Get ready to take your weapons out of the oven and destroy EVIL!


This corebook contains everything you need to play in the world of Sweet Cherry Pie VS Evil. Includes the complete Omnom Island setting, all the 12 Lineages to create your Warrie, equipment and a bestiary.


Sweet Cherry Pie VS Evil: Setting
“The RPG Frowned upon by 9 out of 10 Dentists”

As already mentioned, Sweet Cherry Pie VS Evil takes place on Omnom Island, featuring places like the Scrublands, the Alpoven, the Marzivillies, and so on; in short, a paradisiacal land that resembles the backdrop of a star-studded pastry shop.


Omnom Island is inhabited by the Nomns, beings born from the wise (and natural) fusion of flour, yeast, eggs, and secret ingredients, and organized into Lineages, each of which is formed by four sub-clans. For example, the Ovenians gather all those Nomns forged by the fire and warmth of the Alpoven. Moving instead towards the colder side of the island, we find the Frostish, and then the Semifreddos and the Halfcookeds.


Each Nomns respects their land and, above all, their peers, and they all live in harmony nourishing themselves and being nourished by the sugary land that gave them life… all this at least until the arrival of Evil.


A fateful day indeed, Omnom Island was invaded by the Gluttonies, demons with only one purpose: to devour everything, with a predilection for the Nomns.


And it is here that instead of hiding inside ovens or freezers, some Nomns decided to take on the role of Warries, protectors of Omnom Island dedicated to annihilating the spreading Evil.


Sweet Cherry Pie VS Evil: The Game System
“The Only Complexity lies in the Carbohydrates”

The rules of Sweet Cherry Pie VS Evil are as simple as breaking an egg (intentionally or not).

First of all, the game does not use dice (let’s leave the cubes for the stock). In fact, checks are carried out by randomly opening the pages of the corebook, each of which has a frame called Scoop, detailed with the check outcome: What a Mess! (critical failure), Does Not Look Good (failure), It’s Still Good! (success but…) and Yummy! (success).


The outcome of a check can also be modified by spending Ingredient Fragments, namely the stats that make up the Character.

  • Leavening/Combativity
  • Butter/Wits
  • Eggs/Endurance
  • Sugar/Wisdom
  • Milk/Willpower

Depending on the outcome, the character may decide to spend a certain number of Fragments of the relevant Ingredient to gain a bonus, moving the Scoop to the desired result.

Ingredient Fragments are also used to attack, cast spells and… stay alive. In fact, when three of a Character’s Ingredient Fragments reach 0, they meet an inevitable death.



During combat, each character can perform an action in turn. However, opponents don’t follow the same sequence; they attack only after all characters have made their actions, with a penalty based on how much damage they have taken during the turn.



Don’t want to use the Scoop, maybe ‘cause you don’t want to ruin your precious corebook? Or are you not in a position to pass it on to your fellow adventurers? In that case you can roll 1d8 and compare the result with the conversion table provided.