Steamscapes: Gunslinger's Guide (Savage Worlds) PDF
This listing is for a copy of the digital PDF only.
You can keep your gadgets and goggles and machines. The only gear I need is a holster and what goes in it. Now hand me those pliers - I need to tweak the action on this just a touch.
The Gunslinger's Guide is a supplement specifically designed to offer more play options and story hooks to gunslinger characters in the Steamscapes world. It includes extensive setting information relevant to gunslingers and their companions, optional rules for situations a gunslinger may commonly face, and an extensive weapon customization system for detailed exploration of the Gunsmithing skill.
Steamscapes: Gunslinger's Guide requires the Savage Worlds core rules to play.
55-page "Explorer"-sized PDF (6.5"x9")