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Rogue: Second Edition

$ 12.00

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As if OSR & Storygames had a baby.

Rogue 2E is a dungeon crawling game that uses storytelling game rules.

PC Features:

  • Pick Lists, Not Stats: Rather than stats, players select a custom list of 12 actions that they can perform at any time.
  • Automatic Successes: Performing actions from your pick list allows you to succeeed automatically, unless the GM issues a challenge.
  • Real-Time Refreshes: You can overcome ANY challenge by using your character's personal Ace (a phrase detailing your character's core powers), which refreshes every 15 minutes in real-time.
  • Crises, Not Hit Points: Rather than using abstract HP totals, PCs manage a list of crises, such as injury, exhaustion, and incapacitation. So long as they have less than four, they are alive.

GM Features:

  • Hard & Soft Events: You can cause anything to happen at any time by using the GM Events table, and interpreting the results as you see fit.
  • Intiative-less Combat: Combat is dynamic and relies upon the GM following the logical narrative flow, rather than an artificial turn-based system.
  • Narrative-Based Monsters: Monsters are composed of a list of events, a list of overwhelming powers, and a list of weaknesses that can be exploited.
  • Rulings, Not Rules: Everything from monsters to events to crises to situational bonuses and penalties is designed to provide maximum support for GMs interested in running the game with important OSR principles.

32 pages, US letter size, 150gsm interior, 250gsm cover, b/w throughout. PDF included.