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Palladium Fantasy RPG Book 16: Wolfen Empire

$ 24.99

The Wolfen Empire is growing. And that means trouble for humans, Dwarves, and other people as the Wolfen flex their military might and begin to study magic in earnest.

The Wolfen Empire™ sourcebook provides insight and history about the Wolfen, their past, present and goals for the future. The Wolfen are poised to become the next great civilization, but at what cost? Six fleshed out adventures plus a 101 adventure ideas table give players and Game Masters plenty of material for exploring the Great Northern Wilderness and encounters with the Wolfen.

  • The 12 Wolfen Tribes, their history and legends.
  • The Wolfen Empire, its economy and civilization.
  • Wolfen Military, rank, position and plans.
  • Geography of the Wolfen Empire.
  • 13 notable creatures of the North.
  • 101 Adventures Table and numerous other Random Encounter Tables.
  • 6 fleshed out adventures across the Great Northern Wilderness.
  • A few infamous towns, villains and notable people