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MYRIAD SONG - Role-Play Adventure of Ten Thousand Worlds

$ 24.95

MYRIAD SONG is a tribute to the New Wave of Science Fiction... to progressive rock and sci-fi comic books... to Rush, King Crimson, and Hawkwind ... to Incal, Valerian, and Rourke... to Heavy Metal, Dune and Fifth Element.  Journey to unknown spheres both real and imagined, because matter is merely atoms vibrating with frequency, and the difference between harmony and discord can be either an eyelash's breadth or a distant star.  Converse with strange aliens, fall in with dangerous cults, stand on impossible skyscrapers that preside over undiscovered landscapes.  The dangers are great, but the rewards are even greater.

In the darkness of ages past, our universe was visited by aliens strange and unknowable. They enslaved hundreds of people and they conquered thousands of worlds. For untold generations, the Myriad people served them, and worlds were stripped of all resources, and left barren and dead. And then, a century ago, the Syndics were gone. Did they retreat to another universe? Are they hiding on undiscovered worlds, in radio silence? Interplanetary factions spread their philosophy from place to place. The Solar Creed offers the people free energy . . . at the price of their freedom and liberty. The technologists of the Concord push forward with their new science, for better or for ill. What mysterious dangers lurk in the unknown voids of space?

A complete game in one volume, MYRIAD SONG is a science-fiction adventure where you will travel in the strange legacy of an alien empire. Discover primitive worlds with savage monsters . . . high-tech stations of amazing technology . . . derelict planets where people scrounge out a living among the ruins . . . and places far stranger. You will find lost treasures . . . and you will find horrors best forgotten. The risks are great, but the rewards are greater.

Built using the Cardinal rules engine (as seen in IRONCLAW, NOGGLE STONES, and USAGI YOJIMBO RPG), our game lets you build your character to be as straightforward or as complex as you like.  Play a no-nonsense adventurer ready for anything, or play a master specialist who has no equal in their field.  Play an ordinary human thrust into extra-ordinary circumstances, or play a fantastic alien or machine, made from unknown science and with powers and abilities far beyond our normal space.  Work with exotic alien materials to build savage and strange weapons, or use advanced technology to make cybernetic enhancements to make what you need, when you need it.  Bluff your way past the secret police, or rob some petty lord of their ill-gotten riches, or fly a spaceship to vistas beyond any known horizon. 

Lavishly illustrated in full color from some of the top talents working in science fiction, our game brings the worlds of your vivid imagination to you, and lets you make your story.  Are you ready to heed the clarion call of the alien spheres, the music that is the MYRIAD SONG?