Journey To Ragnarok: Adventure and Setting Corebook Deluxe Edition (5E)
$ 99.90
Journey To Ragnarok is an adventure and setting module for characters of level 1st to 15th, inspired by Norse Myths and legends, compatible with 5th Edition. It is a captivating adventure that will lead the Heroes from Midgardr through the Nine Worlds. In an epic journey, the fate of men will be tied to that of the Gods, until the final moment, the Ragnarok.
This book includes:
- Setting guide to the Nine Worlds
- 6 Clans fighting for supremacy over Midgardr
- 13 new and exclusive archetypes
- 1 new class to discover, the Rune Master
- 8 Backgrounds inspired by Norse society
- Rune Divination System
- Descriptions and statblocks of Gods and mythological beasts
- New and legendary magical items
- An epic adventure for 1st to 15th level characters