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All Flesh Must be Eaten: Fistful o' Zombies

$ 20.00

It's high noon at the Zombie Corral!

The third supplement to All Flesh Must Be Eaten visits the Wild West. This tome is written by the Origins award-winning Shane Lacy Hensley of the Deadlands: The Weird West roleplaying game. This book will present all new western Deadworld settings, new archetypes, weapons and zombies. As well as conversion notes for the Deadlands RPG.


Fistful o' Zombies is a supplement for All Flesh Must Be Eaten. In it, you will find:

?• Extensive background on the Old, Wild, and New West, including new character creation information, new equipment, and new rules.
• New Archetypes for a variety of Western stories.
• Detailed Deadworlds demanding ornery true grit, flinty stares, native passion, prospector mania, gambling fever, cavalry discipline . . . even a sterling code and a love of music.
• Conversion notes for the popular Western action game Deadlands.