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Shadowrun: Eyewitness (1E,2E)

$ 10.00

This book is brand new out of the case. However, please be aware that since it was printed over 2 decades ago the copy you receive may not be in pristine condition. As many of the covers stick together, some cover defects and blemishes may be present. We cannot guarantee or cherry pick a particular condition copy for you.

They say the eye retains the image of the last thing it sees ...

According to some, parts is parts. But when one of those parts contains a motive for murder, betrayal, and corporate espionage, can a shadowrun be far behind?

Eye Witness takes a team of showdowrunners on a quest for justice across Seattle, into the boardroom of a corrupt corp, the darkest corners of the sprawl's slums, and the noxious depths of Seattle's underworld.

Eye Witness is a Shadowrun adventure that can be used with both the original and second-editoin rules.