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Daring Tales of Chivalry #04 (Savage Worlds) PDF

$ 7.50

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Treachery, Feuds, Fae, and Madness

Triple Ace Games are proud to present the fourth in their Daring Tales of Chivalry series, and present two fully detailed adventures.

Castle Fairstone puts the heroes between two feuding families locked in a castle. Soon they discover they aren't alone, and what starts, as a tense negotiation soon becomes a desperate fight for survival against strange unknown forces

In The Madness of Sir Stephen the heroes are asked to investigate the strange affliction of a trusted lord. What follows will pitch them against brigands and a creature of legend which has haunted the land for centuries.

The Daring Tales of Chivalry series use the award winning Savage Worlds rules system.

Author: Dave Blewer & Paul Wiggy Wade-Williams

Page count: 31