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Battle Axe, Elven Tree Singer PDF

$ 1.00

This listing is for a copy of the digital PDF only.

Some elven spell casters sing and work the magic about them, some sing and work the natural world into new ways. Wood Singers are such women. Able to shape the trees, brush and animals to her will, the magic of their song making the world a better place. Most Tree Singers are wood elves, as the calling comes to them more often then to the other elves.

Included with the Character set is...

* Full stats on the Elven Tree Singer

* FAQ of all their cards

* 8 Full Color cards, X3 Common, X3 Uncommon, X1 Rare and one Unique Card

Add the elven Tree Singer to your War Band and achieve victory.

Note that this is not a full game, you will need Battle Axe and the Elven War Host to use this product.