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A12: When the Ship Goes Down PDF

$ 5.99

This listing is for a copy of the digital PDF only.

A Pathfinder/3.5 Compatible Adventure for 4-6 PCs of levels 8-11

The PCs are asked by a friend, Captain Erfaran Honamatros, to find out what has casued the death of one of her fellow captains. After weeks of storms and bad weather, ships from Mohkba haven’t been arriving, but a body has floated in. Captain Honamatros is so concerned that she offers her ship, her crew and even to pay for the journey if the PCs come along, as well as everything they find unless it is a keepsake. The captains that sail the Serpent Lake are experienced women and men and the loss of a ship and its complement is a rare event outside of war.

What starts out as a journey to discover what sank a ship quickly becomes more involved. Former companion creatures of a giant appear, telling of a floating island causing chaos, and when the PCs find this island, they discover it holds new occupants who have no wish to leave and a weather machine that has been damaged and is malfunctioning!  The task is now to decommission the machine and make the sailing route safe once again. But where do you start when a violent storm is raging around the island and the giant’s former home is now upside down?

Also included in “When the Ship Goes Down”:

  • Choice of crowd control rules to deal with a riot
  • A minor artefact weather machine and its extreme weather table
  • 1 new Monster: the Elektrohydra
  • New Monster variation: the Lightning Mephit (3.5E), Snow Roc and Incorporeal Giant
  • 4 new Magical Items, inclusding a Weather Machine in need of repair!
  • 3 new Traps!
  • Suggestions to adjust the encounters for parties of different levels and hooks to continue the adventure