A06: Bear Trouble PDF
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A Pathfinder compatible adventure of 56 pages, designed with both good and evil adventuring groups in mind; four to six PCs of levels 5-7
It's said that "Two's company, three's a crowd", but what happens to those who make their living from adventuring if work begins to dry up and their only rivals are doing a better job than they are? Even heroes have to eat, so when their source of income is taken by others, they have to make some tough decisions. But if those around you don't much care for you any more, what then; surely those tough decisions are easier to make?
From being the stars of the show to last on the bill, the PCs find themselves caught up in skulduggery at every turn and having to decide just who is on their side. Friend becomes foe and those the PCs have counted as rivals may suddenly be their best allies. And in all of this confusion an exiled dwarf challenges their true loyalties; which way will the PCs turn?
Also included in "Bear Trouble":
- Maps and Illustrations by 3x ENnie Award winning Cartographer Todd Gamble
- Two completely different paths! One designed for lawful/good parties, the other for chaotic/evil adventuring groups.
- New NPC group: The Black Bears
- Dozens of possible paths and scenarios for PCs to choose from which all result in completely different endings.
- Maps: The Thirsty Serpent Tavern (at night), Village of Rybalka, Secret Hideout
- NPC illustrations: Fin Starling, Quorron the Dwarven Blacksmith, Wvolf of the Village Guard, and a member of the Black Bears Mercenary Company.