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Legendary Planet: The Depths of Desperation (5e), Now available at your local retailer or online!

LGP207LP075E Legendary Planet: The Depths of Desperation (5e) $24.99 <---- Buy it Now!

    The Depths of Desperation is an adventure for 14th to 17th-level characters using the 5th Edition of the world's most famous roleplaying game. The latest chapter in the amazing Legendary Planet Adventure Path, a spectacular sword-and-planet saga from Legendary Games blending sci-fi and fantasy, magic and machines with an exciting pulp sensibility and style. The Depths of Desperation includes not only a massive interplanetary adventure but also brand-new monsters, magic, and technology, including new idea and rules elements for blending magic and technology, along with a full gazetteer of the water-world of Vareen and its inhabitants and an ongoing fiction series. Here you will find amazing adventures that span the stars and plunder the planets in a campaign that takes your heroes to 20th level and beyond! Grab this exotic epic today and Make Your Game Legendary!