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Heir & Back Again for both 5th Edition and Pathfinder, Now available at your local retailer or online!

AAW5EH&BA Heir & Back Again -- 5th Edition $19.95 <---- Buy it Now!

AAW5EH&BACC Heir & Back Again - Character Cards -- 5th Edition $3.99 <---- Buy it now!

AAWPFH&BA Heir & Back Again -- Pathfinder RPG $19.95 <----Buy it Now!

AAWPFH&BACC Heir & Back Again - Character Cards -- Pathfinder RPG $3.99 <----Buy it Now!

AAWH&BADECK Heir & Back Again - Deck of Cards -- Any System $9.99 <---- Buy it Now!

  A Return to the Golden Era of PC Adventure Games... yet designed for tabletop RPG play! Young Joylene Crumb always felt that life on a farm wasn’t for her... but with her adoptive father missing and rumors of a black dragon ravaging the countryside, is she really ready to run off on an adventure? Who are we kidding, of course she is, with the help of three unusual companions! Heir & Back Again is an adventure inspired by PC adventure games of the 1980s. Curious puzzles and strange conundrums fill the Duchy of Sapphire, a small fiefdom once part of the great kingdom of Silverlake. Can Joylene and her companions find her father and solve the mystery before it’s too late?

     This adventure includes: Four pregenerated characters – Joylene Crumb (Human Teenager), Fergus MacDougal (Cursed Dwarf), Talulla (Exiled Pooka), and Bjorn Bearson (Young Werebear), plus a storyline tailored to fit these characters, including specific goals and roleplaying advice for newer players. Simple but detailed tables with cross-references for key items in the adventure – never feel like you’re lost or overwhelmed! 21 unique adventure locations. One new poison and three unique magic items. A truly dastardly villain, Vaclav the Evil Wizard! Information on the Duchy of Sapphire and the Kingdom of Silverlake for GMs and players who wish to continue adventuring. And much, much more!