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Sheoloth: The Sprawling City

$ 29.99

Far below the skies of the surface world, beyond the notice of many of the cities, towns and villages above, lies Sheoloth, a city of mystery, intrigue, and danger where the formidable and cunning dark elves live. A city full of priestesses that worship alien beings of immense power, creatures bending reality to their whim, drawing upon primal fears to shape their forms.
This book allows players to create dark elf characters and explore the City of the Dark Mother from top to bottom, immersing them in dark elf culture for the Legend RPG while providing up new advanced skills such as Style and Intimidation. New professions such as Assassins and Warlocks open the door to the dark elves’ magical and vicious natures, while the dark elven magic of Shadowcraft, the ability to shape shadows into living beings or objects. Fleshcrafting, too, has its own dark secrets.
So prepare to explore the city from the Ashen Bulwark to the Lair of the Dark Mother; just keep one hand on your dagger. Welcome to Sheoloth.